Father's Heart Ranch

Our Founder

Albie Pearson is a former major league baseball player who played professionally for fourteen years. A severe injury curtailed an illustrious career as the American League Rookie of the Year and an American League All Star. He was one of the smallest players in major league baseball history. In 1979 Albie and his wife, Helen, founded United Ministries International. Through this mission, they have been involved in seeing schools, orphanages and churches established in the United States, Eastern Europe, Mexico and South America. In 1993, Albie and Helen, moved to the Coachella Valley. Their hearts’ desire to help hurting children was overwhelming. “There was no question in our minds that this burden was from the heart of the Heavenly Father. The reality of the need became so heavy that we had to find a place to provide a safe home for these children.” In 1997, Albie came across an 11-acre parcel of land that he knew he had to purchase. The Pearsons sold their home and moved into the Ranch they had purchased for “their” children. The vision of the Father’s heart had begun. After many years of reconstruction and touching the lives of a number of children, Father’s Heart Ranch is growing into the next level.

Over the years, Albie’s story has been told in many different venues such as newspapers and local news stations on television.  Below are some links to a few of these stories.


“‘Littlest Angel’ now has huge impact on boys’ lives” – Marty Angelo Ministries; June 2009

“Baseball Hero Pinch Hits for Kids”– MSNBC; August 2008